Rabbit Ears Pass

  • Author: Motobeemer
  • Created: July 29, 2023 4:00 pm
  • Updated: November 10, 2023 4:15 am
Route type: Ride Through
Difficulty grade: Green (Beginner)
Pavement Quality Good pavement for the most part, be aware of repairs or construction / paving going on
Route Type Sweepers with two lanes going uphill, lots of fun for almost any rider
Traffic Level Busy on the weekends and expect some form of traffic through the week with folks heading to Steamboat Springs
Fuel Stops Kremmling (south on 40) has fuel and Steamboat does as well
Hazards Wildlife in the area
  • Distance Instructions
  • Distance 20 miles
  • Time 22 min
  • Speed 54 mph
  • Min altitude 6877 ft
  • Peak 9557 ft
  • Climb 1266 ft
  • Descent 3094 ft

Rabbit Ears Pass is a very fun but tame route that begins at the intersection of 40/14 and runs north to Steamboat Springs, CO. The section south of 40 from Kremmling is good fun for a few miles before you hit the pass, sweepers and such make it a decent ride. Once you see the intersection of 40/14 with a sign to Walden you know you're in it, with lanes becoming 2 wide going up in elevation making for great passing of slow moving vehicles.

Any type of bike is suited for this ride with beginner riders fully capable of taking their time going up and over the pass as well. Point of note, I have never ridden this pass when there was NOT construction going on so be prepared.

1. Rabbit Ears Pass

Altitude: 0 ft
Address: Muddy Pass, Colorado 80459, USA

Rabbit Ears Pass (el. 9426 ft, 2873 m) is a high mountain pass in the Rocky Mountains of northern Colorado in the United States, where US highway 40 crosses the Continental Divide. North of the summit is Rabbit Ears Peak which has the shape of rabbit ears, which displays two large columns of basalt rock formations from the second volcanic episode. Rabbit Ears Peak is underlain by a pink tuff and the basalt immediately to the west is underlain by red, vesicular ash. Volcanic breccia occurs only at the Peak, which is a large stratified breccia pile. The three basal layers are cut by a basalt dike immediately beneath the peak. From petrographic evidence there appears to have been one period of lava flows and this surface can be seen at Rabbit Ears Peak.

Source: Wikipedia

Rabbit Ears Pass is a very fun but tame route that begins at the intersection of 40/14 and runs north to Steamboat Springs, CO. The section south of 40 from Kremmling is good fun for a few miles before you hit the pass, sweepers and such make it a decent ride. Once you see the intersection of 40/14 with a sign to Walden you know you’re in it, with lanes becoming 2 wide going up in elevation making for great passing of slow moving vehicles.

Any type of bike is suited for this ride with beginner riders fully capable of taking their time going up and over the pass as well. Point of note, I have never ridden this pass when there was NOT construction going on so be prepared.

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