CO 125

  • Author: Motobeemer
  • Created: July 19, 2023 5:03 pm
  • Updated: November 9, 2023 11:49 pm
Route type: Ride Through
Difficulty grade: Green (Beginner)
Pavement Quality Decent quality, some definite pot holes and construction on the road as you get closer to Grandby.
Route Type Sweepers, no real super tight hairpins, lots of spots for passing.
Traffic Level Minimal, unless it's the weekend.
Fuel Stops Both Walden and Grandby have fuel
Hazards Potholes, wildlife
  • Distance Instructions
  • Distance 31 miles
  • Time 40 min
  • Speed 46 mph
  • Min altitude 7897 ft
  • Peak 9616 ft
  • Climb 1877 ft
  • Descent 2625 ft

CO 125 (the good part) starts in Rand, CO and heads into Grandy, CO while going over Willow Creek Pass (and the Continental Divide). The route can be ridden by newer riders although caution should be taken as there is quite a few spots where broken pavement exists. The route does take you through a significant burn area which is very interesting to see while on two wheels, almost like a ghost town expect out in the wilderness.

While most riders will originate their journey in Walden the section of road between there and Rand is pretty tame, things only get better once the climb to Willow Creek Pass begins. Overall a pretty decent stretch of road and one worth riding.

1. CO 125

Altitude: 0 ft
Address: 122 Jcr 54, Colorado 80473, USA

Willow Creek Pass, elevation 9,683 ft (2,951 m), is a mountain pass that crosses the Continental Divide in the Rocky Mountains of north central Colorado.

The pass encompasses the continental divide in the Rabbit Ears Range along the border between Jackson County (to the north) and Grand County (to the south). North of the pass, the Illinois River descends into North Park in the basin of the North Platte River. South of the pass, Willow Creek, for which the pass is named, descends southward to join the Colorado River near the town of Granby in Middle Park.

The pass is not an especially high one along the continental divide in Colorado, since the mountains separating North Park and Middle Park are relative low compared to nearby ranges. The approach from either side is mild and the pass is rarely closed in winter. The vicinity of the pass is sparsely populated, with no major communities in the vicinity. The pass is traversed by State Highway 125. The nearest commercial facilities are in the unincorporated community of Rand in Jackson County just north of the pass.

Source: Wikipedia

CO 125 (the good part) starts in Rand, CO and heads into Grandy, CO while going over Willow Creek Pass (and the Continental Divide). The route can be ridden by newer riders although caution should be taken as there is quite a few spots where broken pavement exists. The route does take you through a significant burn area which is very interesting to see while on two wheels, almost like a ghost town expect out in the wilderness.

While most riders will originate their journey in Walden the section of road between there and Rand is pretty tame, things only get better once the climb to Willow Creek Pass begins. Overall a pretty decent stretch of road and one worth riding.

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